And you bask in the cliché of it and realize…
Sometimes things are going along and then something happens out of the blue that completely changes your tone for a while.
It happened to me today. I was re-hashing all of my (very) first-world worries with a student* who dropped by for a bit and then my email pings and I get this:
Hi there!
I LOVE everything I’m seeing about your life. If I were in Chicago, I would be taking your classes! And I drool over the culture you’ve created in your workroom.
I know the years in between are overflowing with joys and sorrows that make us who we are today. But I look at pics of your workroom and I am transported back to that slow moving train from Italy, walking through tunnels of hydrangeas, and a place and time where critical thinking and classic theoretical exploration were encouraged. And I miss it.
I’m starting my European job search because it’s time to get out of the desert. My brain dries up a little more with every passing year. THANK YOU for keeping me focused! Please keep the blogs and pics coming.
Macht’s Gut!
I kept re-reading that first line again and again.
“I LOVE everything I see about your life…”
“I LOVE everything I see about your life…”
“I LOVE everything I see about your life…”
Let me copy that again…
“I LOVE everything I see about your life…”
Because really, I haven’t been loving my life.
In fact, there has been very little about it lately that gives me any joy at all.
Erin and I went to college together and then spent time in Switzerland at Franklin College in Lugano. We have lost touch (almost) completely over the years, but she saw the class blog I just revived and felt compelled to send that note. And what a difference it made in my day.
And that did it. I have been able to create this thing – with my own hands – and make it work. Sometimes it hasn’t been pretty, but there is something to this.
Something real. Something outside of our ridiculous consumerist culture. Something that makes a difference. Something that teaches people and makes them think!
And it was hard and I suffered and had setbacks and thought I would lose it and that it didn’t matter.*** But it does and was really good to hear.
* Who is turning out to be a friend – who knew?
** Not really, but it is a nice illusion when you are trying to pump yourself up.
*** To get the proper cadence of that sentence going through my mind you should really read it:
(and inhale)