Pretty soon the website for Rural Pursuits will be up and running, but in the meantime, I am helping my friend’s sister around her place.
Getaway farms is a great place that Greg’s sister runs by herself. Try managing 15 acres, 7 horses, a huge barn and a track and see how far behind you get.
One of the jobs we tackled yesterday was getting old railroad ties up and out of the ground in a corner of the yard that used to be garden and grading it back into lawn.

There were 15 of these damn things!
Here is the thing: When you tell me there is work to be done, I turn into a Real German®. Not the happy lederhosen wearing beer drinking German that you see at the Bierstube, but a hardcore task master that stays on task and WILL complete the job.
We were laughing together as we dug out chinese elms and maple trees. There was a little whining halfway through, but we powered through. At one point, she was ready to give up and go eat. I said: “Let’s finish this and then we can eat. Let’s power through. We get no comfort until the work is DONE!” To which she replied: “OK! OK! I know what happens to us Poles when we get under the thumb of a German!”
So the day went well – we worked in really humid windless conditions, changing clothes 2x because we couldn’t stay cool or dry, but we. got. it. done.
Needless to say, I don’t normally look like this after a day of work:
