Snap. Snap. Snap.

Hundreds of pictures.  Hundreds.

Not even 30% of the way through the tables of stuff from Greg’s and am getting tired.

I really want to get everything except the antique glassware, books, albums, and cds done tonight.

If I can get those listed, then I can list the rest of the things over the course of the next two days.

Aiming to have the whole workroom empty by 6 July.  A tall order, but I think it can work.

The nice thing about this much mindless focus is that it really takes you out of yourself.  It is the one thing I liked about a corporate job – you are called on just to do.  Format, template, rules, just do. Do. Do. Do.  So this kind of thing is not making me tear up like something that forces my creative side.

OK.  If you want to look at the mess I am in, check out my Ebay profile.

No crying today.  THAT, my friends, is a very good thing.


Mirror, Mirror, on the wall…

If there are two things I rely on too much when I write they are ellipsis and exclamation points.

Sorry. I know better. I really do. But they are so tempting when I am trying to convey my tone of voice.

So here is an image I took the other morning when I noticed the mirror in the dining room had blushed a little more.

This was the mirror that my grandma used to get ready in. It is missing this tiny piece of walnut trim and so she never had it hanging up in my lifetime.

She did say, though, that is was interesting to have a mirror that was so obscured when you remember it being clear.

Her mirror aged with her.