What was I doing last time I wrote?
I had just gotten the call from my friend Greg’s sister. He was in the hospital again and I was pissed.
Well, I’ve changed my tune now, that’s for sure.
See, March 6th started me on a terrible roller coaster. I wasn’t in a great place to begin with. I have been like a schizophrenic drunk with vertigo on some horrible amusement ride. Does that color it properly? Yes, I believe it does.
So for a while I will write about lessons and how life kind of smacks you around a little sometimes. I have a friend who would say: “Be more Stoic!”. What he means is: “take it like a man”. He doesn’t realize that if one is really being stoical he would fall on his sword tout suite.
My little ride has almost cost me a business, has worn me down to nubs I have never been worn to, and yet has still given me a couple of cherries.
Remember: It is not all bad.
Until it is.
Throughout the Summer I am going to be posting about some pretty personal stuff. Don’t be too hard on me. I am trying to live my life in the open and help folks out. Don’t read it if you don’t like it.
So stay tuned and read me rant. Hopefully I can make you laugh or think.
Or cry. Sometimes all three.