So the Summer is almost officially over and I am back at the Workroom trying to make things happen.
I sat down last night and very loosely cobbled together a set of numbers that need to happen between now and the end of the Spring classes 2012. It is A LOT, especially for what I do here. So I need to get on the ball and not just wait for my MacArthur genius grant to come through.
There won’t be any clothing made this year – at least not until the late Spring – I am thoroughly burnt out on making clothing for the time being and the idea of making a dress sends me into paroxysms of anxiety. I am thinking of coming up with more designs and extending/developing the way they would be produced, but that is IT.
Instead I am going to try to develop the classes and other facets of the business. This is going to include some instructional video work, some language instruction, and more than a little high-end agricultural development in both Wisconsin and Indiana.
Today I have two girls coming up to work for a bit and then it is on to getting the Workroom up and running. With Greg’s estate, the extended Summer vacation, and my general malaise since March… Well, the place could use some tending-to.
But I feel more put together than I have for a very long time. It is funny how that works.