A few years ago I stumbled on a series of Anthony Robbins’ self-help cds at the thrift store. I guess whoever bought them gave them away when they moved into their Castle on the beach in St. Croix.

You can roll your eyes, but it does help some of us.
In all seriousness, I was grasping at straws when I found them. I was (am) skeptical about self-help. I have a parent who turned to them (not Robbins, but others in the “rage therapy” vein) and I blame them for a lot of my late childhood issues.
But I was struggling. It was 2005-06. I had no support, was essentially bankrupt, and had just spent the better part of the past year taking care of an alcoholic friend who manipulated me into one of the most soul-sucking friendships of all time.
I was desperate.
So I bought them and started listening. I wasn’t doing it right. I was coming from an “I’ll show all of you assholes what I can do” instead of “Here I go! Watch me explore and develop my world!”. It turns out that anger CAN drive you. The caveat is that it can only get you so far. In my case, I got up to 180 Lbs (in a good way), built an almost 3,000 square foot workspace from scratch, dated, traveled, and wrote a lot. Once you have grown and matured a little, it cools a bit and then you have to decide what to do with all of the emotion that you invested in these things that it created. It taints the creation a bit.* Others may not see it, but it does.
I’ve gotten better since then, but have gone back to those cds. Friends make fun of me, and that is totally ok, but there are those of us who have no emotional tools to work with. I am not a child abuse victim, have never been sexually abused, and enjoy what most people would consider to be a good helping of first-world racial privilege. I can do just about anything. I can make you an evening gown (or suit), tell you the best way to grow Paw-Paw trees, cure leather & hides, conjugate (some) Latin verbs, tell you the finer points of the NEC code as they relate to Chicago, make GREAT sutures (don’t ask how I know, please), and (poorly) code html. I grew up with parents who told me that I “could do ANYTHING!” which meant that I could do anything with that little tidbit of motivation as long as it meant that I got married, became a doctor, and had millions of babies.
A lot of the breadth of my interests were mocked as silly. Latin, especially.
So anyway: I have picked up the Robbins series again and am listening to it with a more neutral ear. My friend is dead, I have no romantic relationships, and I am running a business I never planned on having but enjoy more than most people enjoy their jobs. I am in a good place to re-develop where I am going. I can’t change who I am but I CAN change how I look at things and what is important to me. Isn’t some of it ridiculous? Yes, yes, it is.
And yet: One hour every morning is now going to be going back to the personal development basics. To give myself the tools I wasn’t given and redirect a bit. Kind of like adult braces: You are always going to have to wear that damned retainer because the bone is already formed. You have to get over the anger and resentment that your parents didn’t take care of it when they should have and just move on.
* You should also know that if you connect it to music as inspiration, you will never be able to listen to those songs again. And some of them are good. But nope – all you remember is the anger behind them and how that felt. It is especially problematic if the person is dead or you really really liked the songs.