Lesson: You Can’t Please Everyone and You Can’t Make Everything OK

One of the biggest problems and biggest fall-outs from all of this has been my professional life.

My personal life?  All I have is totally internal, so there isn’t much of an external one to notice change.

But my professional life tends to be my connection to others.  I may not have friends like most people, but I have roomfuls of people who chit-chat, make nice, and then I teach them a stitch or make them a dress. And there is the rub.  Making the dresses.

See, the entire Spring session was a disaster.  It began when I was at my worst.  I tried to soldier through it.  I really did. But I wasn’t at my best.  Luckily my third or fourth best is better than most people’s first best so it seemed ok. OK as far as the classes went. It seemed.

But how many times can you catch yourself screwing up and making terrible mistakes – or in a classroom setting not catching others and stopping their mistakes before they happened.

See, I have always said that my students and clients deserve my best or something close to it.  That hasn’t happened for months and now I have everyone pissed.  Well, not everyone.  The students are pretty good about it.  But the clients aren’t.

Oh, sure, make the dresses, teach the classes, whatever… how hard could it be?  What is your problem? But when you are your own worst critic (it isn’t really that much of a cliché… some people aren’t) it is overwhelming.  You make ridiculous mistakes and then spend hours crying about them.  In a corner. You lose time, you lose money, you lose the little spark of inspiration that makes it all worthwhile.  I thought I understood depression before, but until I caught myself NOT going to Greg’s 23rd floor apartment because there were no locks on the windows and what if… well, you know you have a real problem.

Wellbutrin seems to be helping, but I won’t know until nearer the end of the Summer.  Right now I am trying to stay out of harm’s way.  It is a real pain – in every sense of that word. It feels like someone punched you in the stomach the night before while you were blackout drunk – you have the pain and the cramping but can’t explain it.
I had experienced a broken heart before – once – in my early 20s and it wasn’t fun.  But this.  THIS was something else.  Something profound and life-altering.  It is one of the worst things so far and I am someone who has plenty of battle scars. YOU can’t see them, but they are there.

Have been telling myself for years that if it came down to it I would go back to the country raise tomatoes and ride horses.  That may just happen.

But the title!  What the hell does all of this have to do with the title?

Ah, glad you asked.  I have been sick to my stomach for months with three projects that just aren’t going to happen.  I don’t want anyone’s money and have offered refunds because that’s what I do, but so many folks are pissed and I just can’t do it.  I hate to disappoint them.  I hate it that I can barely pick up anything creative or build something without it turning into some nightmare-fueled sob-fest.

So you can’t please everyone.  You can try to explain, you can try to deal with it, you can try to keep things to yourself and let people in on an as-needed basis, but it is still going to smack you in the face and you have to decide.  You have to decide if screwing up that dress and sending yourself into some dark hole  for a dress just so someone won’t be upset with you.

ramblerambleramble…  You can’t please everyone.  It is good to try.  But at the end of the day, you can try to make it as right as you can and then you have to accept that not everyone is going to be ok with it.  You can hope they see what you are trying to do, you can try to explain, but in a professional setting it isn’t really appropriate to say something like: “Well, I have been crying for six hours and that is why there are water-spots on your taffeta.  Sorry ’bout that.”  People think you are a drag (and you are).

One thing the past three weeks have taught me, though:  I will never go three weeks without checking my email again, that’s for. damn. sure.
So, you know, at least there’s that to gain from a horrible month.  Gotta hold onto something…


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